The poor kid looked miserable. I stopped to talk to him and asked him why he looked so unhappy. He told me that he hated being dressed like a pumpkin and that he was afraid that his classmates from school would see him and he would never be able to live it down. I told him that sometimes you just have to do what your Ma says no matter what. I said that she probably didn't like the way she looked when she was carrying him inside her for nine months and how fat she was. I told him about the time that my Ma decided to make swimming suits for her four kids to save money and that I being the oldest child was about his same age at the time. There was nothing that I could do. I didn't want to hurt my Ma's feelings so I didn't say anything. I also didn't want my friends to laugh at me so that is the year that I didn't go swimming. I also told him that my Ma died three years ago and that if I could bring her back by wearing a pumpkin suit I surely would. That made him smile a bit and I asked him if I could take his picture and he nodded okay. Here it is:

That was a sweet to do do. I'm sure the young man felt better after talking to you. You're a good man Charlie Brown. Take care.
Gee Bob, you keep surprising me all the time....not really, I have discovered that your caring is exhibited in your stories and writings...keep it up!
Great tale. Great photograph.
I'm sure that boy will never forget you. What a nice story to start my day, thank you!
Little does he know that you posted his picture for the expat world to see! I have a feeling that pep talk will go with him for a long time..
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