Last year when Gina and I went to the Irapuato cemetery to clean off the graves of relatives for the Day of the Dead and leave the traditional marigold-like cempasúchil (sem-pah-SOO-cheel) flowers I wandered around taking note of other people's epitaphs:
“La misma muerte que hoy nos separa, nos reunirá algún día. Hasta entonces, Papá.”
The same death that separates us today will reunite us again someday. Until then, Dad.
“Si una vida de mártir llevaron en la tierra, que una vida de gloria le dé Dios en el cielo.”
“If one lives the life of a martyr on Earth, may God will give them a life of glory in Heaven.”
“Que Dios te dé en el cielo la dicha que en la tierra se te negó.”
May God give you the joy in Heaven that you were denied on Earth.
“Queridos míos, estoy en casa, todo el dolor y sufrimiento han terminado, ahora estoy en paz para siempre, tranquila en casa, en el cielo por fin.”
My dear ones, I am home. All of the pain and suffering has ended. I am now at peace forever, tranquilly at home in Heaven at last.
“Nos dejó por herencia el más preciado tesoro, el recuerdo de sus consejos, la imagen de la bondad y el ejemplo de su vida en la tierra.”
He left us an inheritance of the most precious treasure, the memory of his counsel, the image of his goodness, and the example of his life on Earth.
“Vos nos lo disteis Señor para ser nuestra dicha, vos nos lo pedisteis y os lo damos con corazón destrozado.”
(Note: The above Spanish is that of a Spaniard. A Mexican would say: “Tú nos lo diste Señor para nuestra dicha y Tú nos lo pides y Te lo damos con el corazón detrozado”.)
You gave us life oh Lord for our happiness and You ask for it back and we give it to You with a broken heart.
“Viviste, padeciste, y sufriste con la virtud de un buen cristiano, y con el año viejo te fuiste para gozar el reino de Dios.”
You lived, you endured, and you suffered with the virtue of a good Christian, and bidding farewell to all of your troubles you went to enjoy the fruits of the Kindom of God. (Note: “El año viejo” is a tradition in Latin America where all of the troubles of the old year are bid farewell and burned in effigy. There is no way to translate this epitaph simply and directly word for word.)
Thinking of epitaphs and the Cubs and Chicago politics I started to wonder about the epitaphs that might be suitable for the current crop of U.S. presidential politicians. I put on my thinking cap and came up with the following:
George W. Bush
John McCain
Sarah Palen
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
I was ruminating on these epitaphs when my wife Gina's little three year old grandson came into the living room and headed for the front door. I said to him, “Oye, amigo, ¿adonde vas?” - “Hey pal, where are you going?”. He drew himself up to his full height, pointed out the door, and with a solemn look on his face and in his best imitation of Buzz Lightyear from “Toy Story” he intoned:
To infinity and beyond!
That's it!!!! That's my new epitaph! Like they say...“Out of the mouth of babes".
Now all I have to decide is whether it should be in English or in Spanish.
I know! I'll make it bilingual and do both.

Oh that is so good. "To Infinity and Beyond." That was very deep coming from a young boy. I like it and I enjoyed your post as usual. Take care.
Oh by the way,I forgot to add that I have already begun that willy nilly slide towards the finish line as you say.Look at it this way Bob, you are starting a new trek in life and that finish line is still a long way off. At the end of the month I will wish you a Happy Birthday, but for now...Gods speed.
The little ones are full of the wisdom of innocence.
Great post! Mine is "She lived, loved and had the last laugh!"
Most enjoyable, Bob.
Sounds really profund but, I don't want you to think about that. Sort of depresses me eventhough I accept that we are not eternal and for some of us that day will come sooner than for others. In any case, I want to keep reading your blog for a while.
By the way, I used to work by the cubby bear on wrigley field at the blue plate catering. We used to get hundreds of cubs fans on season at the place, maybe you were one of them in the crowd.
Great post! Has me thinking of a decent epitaph for myself.
"How unfortunate" is simple but meaningful!
"Such is life" would be fitting according to my most commonly used phrases.
Bob, I really LOVE this post! You have a way of making something as somber as our mortality seem just matter of fact, y punto.
I have to say the one you chose is a most 'all-encompassing' phrase. Great one at that!
Not an epitaph, rather more like a tag line that I've been using:
If McCain wins, I'm moving to Mexico. Of course, if Obama wins, I'm moving to Mexico too!
We've been in Ajijic since August...
Thanks for your great posts Bob.
Saludos, Thomas
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