One of the things that we did while we were in Pueblo Nuevo is to stop for lunch at the "birrería" (bee-rehr-REE-uh) of Don Martín Bernal. The word "birrería" means "an establishment where they sell "birria" (BEE-rree-uh) or more formally “birria de cabrito” (kah-BREE-toh) which is the meat from a young goat that is steamed rather than rendered or broiled. They take a young goat and after killing and butchering it they put it in a big pot that has two or three gallons of water in the bottom. They don't put the meat in the water however. They put the meat on a grill that is suspended over the water so that the steam cooks the meat and the juices from the meat fall into the water to make a soup that is called “consomé de birria” (kohn-soh-MAY deh BEE-rree-uh). People go to a birrería as much to get the consomé as they do to get the birria. The consomé is a light clear yellowish and very tasty soup that it can vary somewhat in consistency and taste depending upon where it is made. Everyone seems to have a secret recipe. Sometimes they put cleaned goats feet in the water to thicken the consomé and sometimes they add chile or various herbs and spices. I can't really tell the difference very well because it is always good but my wife Gina can tell the difference and she has her favorite places.
As you will see in the dialog below there are various cuts of meat that you can request. There is “pierna” (or piernita) which is from the back legs. There is “costilla” (coh-STEE-yuh) which is from the ribs. There is “mano” (MAH-noh) which is from the front legs but the word “mano” actually means “hand”. Then there is “aldilla” (ahl-DEE-yuh) which is from the belly and lower sides and “pecho” (PAY-choh) which is from the chest. Finally we come to one of my favorites called “montalayo”(mohn-tah-LAY-oh). To make montalayo they remove the “panza” (PAHN-zah) which is the stomach and they scrub it very hard until it is perfectly clean and white. Then the chop up the heart, kidneys, liver, and other internal organs and put the chopped parts in the panza and tie it closed with a string. Then the stuffed panza goes in the pot with the other meat. They put the lid on the pot and they put it on the fire to steam for about four hours. When you tell the man what you want he takes it out of the pot and cuts it up on a wooden chopping block with a little meat cleaver and measures it out on a scale there you have it.
So, we sat down at a table in the plaza in front of Don Martín's establishment and he comes right over to take our order:
Buenas tardes. ¿Qué le sirvo?
Good afternoon. How may I serve you?
Buenas tardes. Un cuarto de birria y dos consomés por favor.
Good afternoon. A quarter kilo of birria and two consomés please.
No, deme solo piernita y montalayo.
No, give me only pierna and montalayo.
Bueno. ¿Gustan algo de tomar?
Okay, Do you want something to drink?
Si, dos refrescos, una Coca-Cola y una Esprite.
Yes, two sodas, a Coca-Cola and a Sprite.
Bueno. Ahorita se lo sirvo.
Okay. I'll be right back with your order. (In a little while I'll serve you.)
Aquí está su orden con tortillas, salsa Mexicana, y chiles jalapeño. Tambíen hay cebolla picada y limones para el consomé. ¿Algo más les haga falta?
Here is your order with tortillas, Mexican style salsa, and jalapeño chiles. There is also chopped onion and limes for the consomé. Is there anything else that is lacking?
No, gracias. Todo está bien.
No, thank you. Everything is fine.
(Después un poco rato)
(After a little while)
¡Oye Don Martín! ¿Me trae otro cuarto por favor y más servilletas?
Hey Don Martín! (dohn mahr-TEEN) Could you please bring me another quarter kilo and some more napkins?
Claro que si. Con mucho gusto. Aquí está.
Of course. With much pleasure. Here you are.
(Después un otro poco rato más)
(After another little while)
Don Martín, ¿me trae la cuenta por favor?
Don Martín, could you bring me the check please.
Si, permíteme. Son ciento veinticinco pesos.
Yes, just a minute. That will be one hundred twenty pesos please.
Aquí tiene ciento cuarenta. Quédese con el cambio.
Here is one hundred forty. Keep the change.
Muy agradecido Señor. Que le vaya bien.
Much appreciated, Sir. May you go well.
Note: I have some additional comments.
In the last photo below you will see my new friend Juan Carlos Ramírez carrying several “vaporeras” on the front of his three wheeled bicycle. A “vaporera” (vah-poh-REHR-uh) is a pot used for steaming.You can see a “necked down” portion at the bottom of the pot. Above this section sits the grill upon which the meat is placed and the area below is what holds the water and makes the consomé.
The tortillas are served hot in a little container with a lid. Even so, they soon start to cool off after a bit and eventually the tortilla on top will be cool. Instead of taking the tortilla off the top people will often grab part of the stack and turn it over which puts the top tortilla back down in the middle of the stack to warm it up again. The guys I work with jokingly call this cold tortilla on top the “tortilla de la suegra” or “mother-in-law's tortilla” because this is the tortilla that you offer to your mother-in-law”.
una Coca-Cola y una Esprite. - Note that I spelled Sprite with an “E” in front. This is because many words that we use in English that start with the letter “S” are similar in Spanish with the exception that they start with an “E” in front of the “S”. The Mexican people tend to pronounce English words that begin with an “S” as if they actually begin with an “E” and so “Sprite” gets pronounced “ehs-PRAIT”.
Si, permíteme. - Notice that I translated this phrase as “Yes, just a minute.”. It really says “Yes, allow me” but in English we would say, “Yeah, just a minute”, or “Yeah, be right with you”. That is why it is important to understand the meaning as a whole phrase and not just word for word. Sometimes when I call my wife she says to me, “Mande Usted” which is a very normal off hand response but it sounds very formal if you translate it directly as “Command me sir”. Ha, ha, ha. I wish!
When in Rome do as the Romans do so if you are served birria, for goodness sake don't wrinkle your nose at the monatalaya until you have tried it, and don't forget to add the chopped onion and a squirt of lime to your consomé like everyone else does. ¡Buen provecho!

Love the "mother in law tortilla" thing. Too funny.
Here everyone says "cien" rather than ciento for one hundred and they also leave out the "y", so it comes out sounding like "cienveinticinco". Confusing until you get used to it.
Does your wife actually say "usted" to you?
Really enjoy your dialogues.
Gee, a $15 dollar tip, what a tipper you are. Your wife Gina is very nice looking. I always thought birria meant beer, and I think it does out this way. My dad used to make goat, and if I remember correctly, it has a sweetish taste to it. The decorations look great. Sounds like your and yours had a great time.
They leave out the "y" here too. I just made a stupid mistake that's all. Thanks for pointing it out. I will correct it. If you find any more please let me know. I need all the help I can get.
Remember that those are pesos and not dollars :)
I am so happy you went to el pueblo and ate birria. Very popular is the one of Reina and Toledo. Some like the birria of Pío too. I don't like it! There used to live a guy who made birria de horno. Super popular and supposedly better than steamed birria. I think they bake it in a whole in the ground wrapped with maguey leaves. "La Meca" used to make it. He died long ago but he was very popular with his birria.
You know, I had read also that people called el pueblo the nickname of "el pueblito". Until now, I had never heard anyone refering to Pueblo Nuevo as el pueblito and I am old. God only knows why someone had written that article. Also, we don't have any document that says the town was founded by Don Vasco and we were not (with all my respects) an Otomí Indian village.
Now, "queso oreado" is fresh cheese wich you will leave uncover in the cooler. In a few days it will form a "crust" and will crack a little and if you leave it long, will become very hard. It taste like aged cheese and I love it. You probably can find it at el mercado Hidalgo and do that procedure.
I love the pictures you took. It really looks festive! When I was a kid. For la fiesta nacional they used to let go paper ballons into the sky. They don't do that anymore but, I enjoyed that so much. I missed that and would love to see them someday again. Of course, they were tricolor.
I really appreciate your comments. You have been very helpful.
Bob, I come late to comment on your post. I was Googling "Montalayo" in order to explain it to mis amigos of Michoacan_Net. (That following a discussion of barbacoa and birria.)
Your descriptions are perfect!
The dialogue is a plus.
I've heard of birria al horno, but I've never seen it offered. I note that Cristina has mentioned it as it is served at a favorite place of hers near Guadalajara.
A couple of years ago, we drove to Tangancícuaro, Mich, where we ate birria under the portales of the plaza. That was less tasty, but meater slices of beef, in a sauce dominated by tomato. I wasn't as fond of it as that of my accustomed places.
However, the "ensalada" served with it was very good.
There's a photo in the series, "Viaje a Tangancícuaro"
Don Cuevas
This is very exciting to read. It turns out I was googling "Pueblonuevo, Guanajuato" and I found your images which led to this blog...
My family is actually from there, they call it "El Pueblo" and a great portion of them return for "La Fiesta de la Candelaria" every year!
The Bernales Birrieria is a few blocks down from where my grandparents home is at and so we always eat the birria (especially the montalayo). I can say that at first I disliked the taste, but now I enjoy it as long as there is salsa, chopped onion, and tortillas on the side. :)
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