Okay, so the man drives into the Pemex station and pulls up to the pump and the attendant approaches him and says:
Buenas tardes, señor. ¿Cuánto le vamos a servir? ¿Se lo lleno?
Good afternoon sir. How may we be of service? Fill'er up?
Sí, por favor, llénalo.
Yes please, fill'er up.
¿Con Magna o Premio? (¿Con verde o rojo?)
With Magna or Premium? (With green or red?)
Con Magna, porfa. (Con verde porfa.)
With green please. (With green please.)
Señor, nota la bomba se marca ceros por favor.
Mister, please note that the pump shows zeros.
Bueno, está bien.
Alright, it's okay.
¿Quiere que lo checo el aceite?
Do you want me to check the oil?
No, gracias, pero me puede checar la presión de las llantas.
No, thank you, but you can check the air in the tires for me.
Sí, cómo no. ¿Cuántas libras prefiere?
Yes, why not? How many pounds do you prefer?
Treinta parejo.
Thirty all around.
Ya está señor. Sus llantas están bien con la excepción de la de trasera derecha. Faltaba cinco libras. Hay que revisar cuando vuelve a cargar gasolina. Son doscientos cuarenta y cinco pesos para la gasolina.
All done sir. Your tires are okay except for the right rear. It was lacking five pounds. You need to check it when you gas up again. That will be two hundred forty-five pesos for the gasoline.
Aquí está doscientos cincuenta. Quédese con el cambio para un refresco.
Here is two hundred fifty. Keep the change for a soda.
Muchas gracias, señor. Que le vaya bien, ándale.
Thanks a lot sir. Y'all come back soon.
Note: I have a few more comments:
Faltaba cinco libras. - Don't confuse the word “libras”, “pounds” with “libros”, books. Also there is a peculiar idiomatic expression involving the verb librar which normally means “to set free” or “to exempt”. The phrase is “No la libro”. It means “I can't fit it” or “It won't fit”. One time I was with another man who was trying to parallel park a car in a space which was too small. He said, “No la libro” meaning the space was too small for the car but I thought he was saying something about a book and I said ¿Qué libro?, "What book?". Don't laugh. Things like this are going to happen to you too, and I want you to be honest and tell me about them.
Queda con el cambio para un refresco. - It is the custom in Mexico to tip gas station attendants and I usually give them five pesos or even ten pesos if the do some extra work for me like washing all the windows, or checking the oil, or checking the tires. In this case the man gave the attendant two hundred fity pesos in bills and told him to keep the five pesos in change. He must be a bit on the cheap side because a soda cost more like six or seven pesos and the atendant did the extra work of checking his tires.
Que le vaya bien, ándale. - Note that I translated it as “Y'all come back soon”. The literal translation would be “May you go well, hurry up”. I think my translation carries the meaning better than the literal translation. Don't you?

Thats a nice looking gas station. Over here they sure don't check the oil or gas up your car, let alone put air in the tires. Sounds like the olden days to me. Informative as always. Take care.
I agree. Very informative.
Did you read my blog where I asked the men at the Pemex station to "limpio mi manzanas" instead of "limpio mi ventanas"? it was almost 10 years ago and I still chuckle about it......they were VERY polite!
Bob, your blog is great and the dialog funny. There is just one mistake, you don't say: queda con el cambio. You need to say: quedese con el cambio.
Thanks Carlos. I need all the help that I can get! I should have said "quédese" or "quédate". I will change it. Please let me know whenever I make an error. That is how I learn and improve. Muchos saludos a toda la gente de San Antonio :)
Hi, Bob - I like your blog and your Spanish tutorial. I'm adding you to my bloglist.
An old blog post from one of my favourite bloggers on the subject of Pemex...I can relate to both your post and his! Like most places, there's good and bad.
(I would have TinyURL'ed the long address but then people get suspicious of where it'll take them!)
Thanks Gary. As someone who has pumped quite a bit of gas myself in my younger days I am always interested in gas station stories. I guess the long and the short of it is to keep your eyes open and your wits about you at all times.
Great explanation!!!I live in Tampico and have been cheated at least three times so now I get out of the car and check if it reads zero and never take my eyes off the counter and check the price and liters amounts.
In the Cabo San Lucas, they like to get you talking and distracted, then when paying for the gas if you give them $500 pesos they use a slight of hand to change it to $50 pesos. Many Gringos are filling up on their way to the airport, and it all looks like Monopoly money, and they are nervous. The key is to keep your money in your hand and count it out as your give it to the attendant, or put it on the auto hood so he doesn't have it in his hand. But if you stand your ground they quickly give it up, too many easy marks to make a fuss. Never been cheated in La Paz or elsewhere in the Baja.
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