24 July 2024

Oh, my wandering soul...

 Oh, how busy is my ego, that tries to pin down things
That perpetually wax and wane, and come and go, to and fro.
Like the flower of youth that does or does not bear fruit,
Then fades away into the ever lengthening frozen river of time.
It does no good to focus on happiness in this vale of tears and tribulations,
Lest the storms that rage in my mind damage the peaceful garden in my soul.
I am like a donkey who is maneuvered, by means of the carrot of pleasure
And the stick of pain, to satisfy my material desires.
When I die, I will retreat into the spirit world searching for unity.
My sight will be united, together with all shapes and colors.
My hearing will be united, together with silence and all sounds
My mind will be be united together with all languages and thoughts,
Like rivers coming from the ocean flow back into the same ocean.  
I will die at the right time; me to die and you to live on.
Which of us goes toward what is best is known only to God.
Oh my wandering soul, fragile host and companion of my body,
To what places will you go when it is our time to surrender?
Come Holy Spirit, Creator blest, and in my heart take up Thy rest;
Come with thy grace and heavenly aid, to fill the heart that you made. 
​(Bob Mrotek 2024) 


13 July 2024

Politics from the depths of Hell

Feisty young millennials all in a row
Ready to challenge you blow by blow.
They are sophists all and pundits too,
Who can take either side, or leave it,
Love it, or hate it, or beat it 'til it's blue.
It depends upon what the going rate is.
There is no room for right or wrong
It is whatever it is that it needs to be,
I'll give you a clue, it's all about ratings.
Claws that scratch and eyes that flash
One glance could set the other on fire
And talking points increase the ire,
Spoken in haste and driven by greed,
Woe to the truth and woe to the target,
In any case may both be damned.
Winner take all and loser cast blame
After all, you know it's just a game,
From the very depths of Hell.
(Bob Mrotek 2016) 


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I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. I have been living in Mexico since January 6th, 1999. I am continually studying to improve my knowledge of the Spanish language and Mexican history and culture. I am also a student of Mandarin Chinese.