I discovered that one can reproduce an image with simple materials by two different methods. One method is called "art" and the other is called "drafting". It is possible for just about everyone to learn a little plane geometry and some of the mechanical drawing techniques of the draftsman. One can then add some color and call it "art" even though it lacks the magic touch of a true artist. I have found that there is a lot of satisfaction in this, especially when one realizes that they are doing something that they never thought they could do. There some are other benefits besides self aggrandizing as well. For one thing drawing or "sketching" is very challenging but at the same time very relaxing. In addition, you don't need any special material to start out with and you don't need any classes although in the beginning that might help. There are plenty of instructional books available and there are a number of free tutorials and other information available on the Internet. One of the best reasons that I have found for sketching, however, is that it is unobtrusive. Instead of running around poking a camera at everything and everybody I can sit in one spot and take my time to capture an image or more importantly, capture the things that impressed me most about an image. Later on, when I go back to look at the image the whole memory of sketching it comes back to me and I remember the day and the circumstances and all of the little details that went in to making it. With photography, on the other hand, I have so many old photographs that I look at now and say to myself "Where did I take this shot and who are these people?" or "Why did I waste my time taking a picture of that old thing?"
On Saturday I went to the park to sit in the sun and I brought my sketchbook along. I drew the sketch that you see below in pencil and then when I went home I inked it in and added water colors. The sketch represents the jogging track at our local park, the Irapuato Parque Convivencia Familiar (DIF) where it runs alongside the volleyball courts. I chose the scene because of the challenges that it presented. For one thing there were a bunch of lines that all came together at one point at the base of the IMSS hospital building in the background. There were also shadows to deal with and the chain link fence that surrounds the ball court. I made some mistakes with this drawing but that is how I learn and each drawing appears to be a little better than the last. I have a confession to make though. In real life there were people in this scene but I can't do people very well yet so I left them out. That is one of the benefits of drawing. You can leave out or put in anything you want. In fact, deciding what to leave in or leave out is a big part of sketching and it is fun. If the scene that you are drawing has trash in it or graffiti you can leave it out if you want to and if there is something ugly that is ruining the scene you can give a "makeover". You can cut the grass, you can make the flowers bloom and hey...you can even make your fat friends look skinny. I'm sure they won't mind.
I have discovered some delightful blogs that have given me a lot of sketching inspiration. They are collective blogs where sketch artists and illustrators from all over the world send in their sketches for others to look at and comment on and in my case, to marvel at. The subjects of the sketches are are anything and everything. There is something for everybody. Click on this link "Urban Sketchers" to take you to the first blog. This is my favorite. There are two blogs that are connected with this blog and are offshoots of it called "Urban Sketchers Spain" and "Urban Sketchers Argentina" and I follow these also. Another favorite sketching blog is called "Sketching in Nature" and it is dedicated to people who like to draw flora and fauna. I am amazed at how popular this "sketching" thing is becoming. Who knows, it just may be the new "blogging". I encourage anyone who always wished that they could draw but never seemed to get anywhere to take another look at it. If there is hope for me then there is certainly hope for you too. Let's get some action going here!
(Click on picture to enlarge)