24 June 2016

Oh, Adam.

Said the man without a navel as he bit into an apple,
"Well, I wonder what new thing I will do today".
Oh, Adam. "Quid fecisti?" (What have you done?)
"Tu coepit destruere mundi."
("You have begun to destroy the world".)
The Earth mourns for the untimely death of so many people,
For out of her came the first and out of her shall come all others.
Each and every one of her inhabitants is a fruit of Mother Earth,
And has a time and a season and a mother who will mourn us.
If we acknowledge Almighty God, and know that he is just,
In good time we shall be restored to our mothers and our fathers,
And our children will be restored to us and we to them.
While I sleep, my spirit is out roaming about,
Looking for truth and marking the borders,
Of the dim narrow path that my heart must follow.
From the feelings of today and the memories of yesterday 
The new hope and old hope we throw under our pillow, 
And dream of a tomorrow when we shall all be together.


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I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. I have been living in Mexico since January 6th, 1999. I am continually studying to improve my knowledge of the Spanish language and Mexican history and culture. I am also a student of Mandarin Chinese.