This morning when I got up I looked in the bathroom mirror and standing behind me to one side was the Devil with a silly grin on his ugly face and on the other side was my beautiful Guardian Angel shaking her head and with a sad face she began to sing...
Oh, it's diet time again, you're gonna grieve me
I can see that faraway look in your eyes
I can tell by the way your pants fit darling,
That it won't be long before it's diet time time.
Now they say that weight loss makes the heart work better
And that ugly fat is stressful to behold
Without exercise you won't be 'round much longer,
Don't you want to be one hundred years old?
Oh, it's diet time again, you're gonna grieve me
I can see that faraway look in your eyes
I can tell by the way your pants fit darling,
That it won't be long before it's diet time.
Now you say you've found a diet you like better
That's the way it's happened every time before
But if you don't stick right with it this time
It will be crying time when they roll you out the door.
Oh, it's diet time again, you're gonna grieve me
I can see that faraway look in your eyes
I can tell by the way your pants fit darling,
That it won't be long before it's diet time.
(My apologies to Buck Owens who wrote the original song "Crying Time" in 1966.)
Well, my Guardian Angel is right...I better do something. The other day I was watching a program about health and one of the participants was a doctor named Dean Ornish who is president and founder of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, as well as Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He talked about a diet plan that is very simple and yet has proven the greatest results in lowering cholesterol and body fat and he said that it can change your life in just three months if you stick to it. Surprisingly, I found that there are a lot of respected doctors who back his claim and that is probably because it is nothing more than a common sense diet. He divides foods into five basic food groups:
1.) Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, soy products, nonfat dairy, and egg whites in their natural forms, as well as some good fats that contain omega 3 fatty acids.
2.) Avocados, seeds, nuts.
3.) Low fat dairy products, margarines free of trans fatty acids, sweeteners containing high fructose corn syrup, and higher sodium.
4.) Poultry, fish, milk/dairy products, margarine, mayonnaise, doughnuts, fried rice, pastries, cakes, cookies, and pies.
5.) Red meat in its various forms, egg yolks, fried poultry, fried fish, hot dogs, organ meats, butter, cream, and tropical oils.
The above is just a general outline. You can find out a lot more about his program on his website:
The way it works is that if you want to live a long and healthy life, lose weight, and lower cholesterol you need to stick as close to group number foods one as you can. The good thing about group number one is that you can eat as much of it as you like as long as you promise to walk for one half hour per day and no cheating.
Well, what have I got to lose except a lot of pounds? I am going to try it. I will report my progress from time to time and if it works I will show you before and after pictures. If it doesn't work...well...let's just hope that it works.
01 January 2010
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About Me

- Bob Mrotek
- I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. I have been living in Mexico since January 6th, 1999. I am continually studying to improve my knowledge of the Spanish language and Mexican history and culture. I am also a student of Mandarin Chinese.
Bob, Happy New Year. Don't make things so hard on yourself and don't say that word DIET. It doesn't work. I know, I've been there, done that, etc. The best thing to do is to eat the right foods like the list you have there. The second thing to do is NOT to give up the things you love to eat. The third thing is called:
MODERATION.... that is the KEY word. You can still eat everything but just moderate. Instead of 3 tortillas or even 2, have 1 1/2. Instead of 2 eggs, have 1. You get the picture. No seconds and no snacking other than the green stuff or carrots or cucumbers. You know. :DDD Try it. bye now.
You are a brave man, Bob! After years of yo-yo dieting, I finally gave up. This year, I'm going to give exercise a chance and see how that goes. Even if I don't lose any weight, I am doing something that is good for my health. And that's what is important. Best of luck and can't wait to see how this diet works.
I'm rooting for you, amigo!
The only thing that has worked really well for me is having my main meal earlier in the day. After dark, only a snack — a bowl of oatmeal, for instance. Reduce the size of your dinner plates, and you won't feel so deprived. And remember it's a half-hour walk, not a half-hour amble. Move it!
"After dark, only a snack — a bowl of oatmeal, for instance. "
A bowl of oatmeal is not a snack, it's more of a penance. However, I'm in favor of those half hour (even 45 minutes!) walks, if I could only get up out of my chair, I'd go on one.
Seriously. I have managed to be satified with one plateful of something good, although it hasn't helped my weight. Oatmeal? You can have mine, if you like.
Don Cuevas
When it comes to food I have no will power, so God gave me a bad gall bladder and a Dr. who wont take it out if it doesnt hurt when I eat the right foods. So there you go Im on a life long diet. Instead of the diet being my resolution it is to do it without complaining about it. lol
Seriously walking, moderation in eating and not eating 2 hours before bed are the best way to loose weight and keep it off.
Good luck with your endeavors -- I might put that list on my fridge as a reminder but with one caveat: tacos al pastor at anytime is good for the soul.
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