The first of the four posada chant lines that I referred to above mentions both "canasta" and "colación":
Ándale Lalo, sal del rincón con la canasta de colación.
Hurry up Lalo, come out of the corner with the basket of sweets.
The word "colación" (koh-lah-SEEOHN) can mean several things. It can mean a convocation of religious monks or it can refer to an ancient legal term pertaining to the rights of inheritance. It can mean an "aperitif" (appetizer) or it can also mean "sweetmeats" given to servants on Christmas Eve. In Mexico it usually means "treats" that are generally little pieces of hard sugar candy. They come in a variety of shapes and colors and sizes. When sugar syrup is heated it passes through various stages or taste and texture and can be made into different types of candies depending upon the highest temperature that is reached. The temperature range is from about 235 degrees Fahrenheit up to about 350 degrees. In the old days people didn't have thermometers so they judged the candy by heating the syrup and then dropping a spoonful into cold water and judging by the form it took as to whether or not it had reached the right temperature. Then they added flavors like "hinojo" (fennel), "hierbabuena" (peppermint), and "anis" (anise). They also colored the candy by adding vegetable dyes and they might put nuts like peanuts or almonds at the center. There are about three hundred different examples of Mexican hard candies in the historical records. Many of them were invented and produced by nuns in the convent kitchens.
Here are three additional lines in the posada chant that mention baskets:
Quiero mi canasta de papel de china, si no me la das me voy a la esquina.
I want my tissue paper basket; if you don't give it to me I will go out to the street corner.
Quiero mi canasta de papel estraza, si me no la das me voy a mi casa.
I want my (white) butcher paper basket; if you don't give it to me I am going home.
Quiero mi canasta de papel crepe, si no me la das me voy con José.
I want my crepe paper basket; if you don't give it to me I am going over to José's house.
In the photos below you can see some examples of "colación" and also an example of an aguinaldo basket in the form of crepe paper.
¡ Feliz Navidad !

Hi Bob. Just stopped by to wish you and Gina a very
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have a great one! (that candy looks good. gotta go, take care)
Hi Gloria,
¡Feliz Navidad! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please give my regards to your wonderful hard working spouse and tell him to take a break and relax for awhile :)
Merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
"Iguanasranas", Brenda..."the same to you". I hope you have a good one :)
Bob, I had not seen those candies in ages! Thank you for sharing those photos! Brought a smile to my face. Wishing you and your lovely family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010!
Hola Bob:
Un poco tarde deseandote lo mejor de lo mejor...
Lo mejor de este año en mi lista personal fué haber encontrado tu blog.
¡Sigue así!
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