Have you ever used the phrase "Once in a blue moon"? Sure you have! Everybody has. It means once in a very great while. The thing is though, that what we call a blue moon isn't all that rare. On average there is a blue moon about every 2.7 years. A blue moon is when there is a full moon twice in one month. When that happens the second full moon is called a "blue moon". Most years have twelve full moons but because of a mismatch between the length of a 29.5 day lunar phase period and the average solar month of about 30.5 days, at the end of each year it appears that we are about eleven lunar "days" short of a full solar year. The result is that every two and three quarters years we have an extra full moon. Now don't try to figure this out in your head or you'll go nuts. Actually the Moon goes around the Earth every 27.3 days but because of the way the Earth and the Moon are moving relative to each other we see the phases of the Moon repeat at 29.5 day intervals. Just take my word for it. Even Isaac Newton had problems trying to understand the movements of the Moon.
There is one blue moon that is quite a bit rarer than others, however. When there is a blue moon on New Year's Eve you can bet on the fact that it isn't a common occurrence. This New Year's Eve there is going to be a blue moon and there hasn't been a blue moon on New Year's Eve since 1990. So you better start planning to do something that you only do "once in a blue moon" like compliment your spouse or clean out your car's glove compartment, or vacuum under the couch or "whatever". A lot of us geezers may not be around the next time there is a New Year's blue moon so I suggest that if you are an old geezer you make the most of it. After all, it being New Year's Eve just think how romantic it will be holding hands with your significant other and whispering sweet nothings to each other about the special blue moon.
Now we are going to hop in the "Way-Back Machine" and take a trip back to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in 1959 and let the singing group "The Marcels" with Cornelius Harp, Fred Johnson, Gene Bricker, Ron Mundy, and Richard Knauss serenade us with the doo-wop version of the ballad "Blue Moon" that was written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart in 1934.
Bomp ba ba bomp, ba ba bomppa bomp bomp, ba ba bompa a dang adang dang du du ding a dong ding Blue Mooooooon...
Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Bomp ba ba bomp, ba ba bomppa bomp bomp, ba ba bompa a dang adang dang du du ding a dong ding Blue Mooooooon...
Blue Moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper, "Please adore me"
And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold
Blue Moon, now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Bomp ba ba bomp, ba ba bomppa bomp bomp, ba ba bompa a dang adang dang du du ding a dong ding Blue Mooooooon...
29 December 2009
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- Bob Mrotek
- I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. I have been living in Mexico since January 6th, 1999. I am continually studying to improve my knowledge of the Spanish language and Mexican history and culture. I am also a student of Mandarin Chinese.
I love The Marcel and their rendtion. So this New Years Eve it's going to be a blue moon? How great is that. Maybe I'll buy a blue sweater and wear it here at home. We don't go anywhere, we do our thing at home. That is very interesting. Thanks for letting me know this. I will keep my eyes on the moon on this day. Happy New Years to you and Gina. Take care.
Now that's good music! I ♥ it! Don't give me any of that Snoop Dog or Eminem---no siree Bob!
(Sigh) Gone are the good old days! I was just a toddler when this came out, but I don't know why I love music from the 50's so much!
Wishing you and Gina a fabulous and Happy, Joy filled New Year Senor Bob!!
Hola Bob & Gina,
Thanks for the heads up on the New Years blue moon - very cool indeed. I wonder if the New Years Eve blue moons only happen on the start of a new decade? (or is it the end of an old one ;-)
Happy New Year Amigos
"Bomp ba ba bomp, ba ba bomppa bomp bomp, ba ba bompa a dang adang dang du du ding a dong ding Blue Mooooooon..."
Great stuff. Just don't play it on your iPod when you're falling asleep.
Don Cuevas
Dang I didn't even try to look at the moon that night, Why don't I keep up with blogs better. lol What great info... So when is the next one Im wondering if Im to old to get to see it again.
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