12 February 2025

Hello Someday!

Being is, and non-being is not.
Becoming is not the passage from not-being to being. 
But from being in potentiality to being in reality.  
Good news! I woke up this morning in my right mind!
Most of my life I was plagued by an inner voice that said 
"Someday you are going to die and all of this shall pass away." 
Then today I woke up very early and I said to myself:
"Do you want to be thinking about dying on your last day on earth?"
I answered myself: 
"Hell no! I would rather be thinking about life eternal!" 
So, when that last day finally comes, what more can I say 
Other than, "Hello Someday," and beyond?
Quietly I lie down on the bed again and fall asleep 
Because the Lord put me in my right mind.
Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is a maybe.
What I do today I must do like life depended on it. 
(Bob Mrotek 2025) 


31 January 2025

What do you stand for?

Softly falls the light of day as my cares all fade away.
What I do and what I dare will have to wait for tomorrow.
It is the Lord, in whom I trust to keep me safe if it be His will,
To serve Him on earth each day for His honor and glory.
You and I will die someday and everyone else will too.
And the loved ones we leave behind will carry on.
It matters not how and when or where we are born,
Nor what race or tribe or creed we were born into,
Nor if we are male, female, or other, young, or old,
Nor how and when and where we die.
What matters most is how we lived
And what we stood for in the end. 


04 January 2025

Climbing the Hill of January

Sunrise, sunset. Sunrise, sunset.
One foot following the other,
Searching for the trickle-down
And thanking God for my daily bread.
I'm on the spiral road to infinity.
An evil impulse is tracking every move​,
By following my digital exhaust.
As I climb the hill of January
I look the left and slightly below
To the descending Januaries ​behind.
To the right and above, only clouds.
Home is wherever my heart is at peace,
But sin is crouching at every door,
Ready to jump at the first opportunity.
I keep marching, marching up the incline,
After January, the boredom of February,
And then the treacherous Ides of March.
Finally the road smooths out in April
With rain that brings the May flowers, 
And​ the May​ flowers ​that bring June Pilgrims.
The lazy, hazy days of mid-summer
Are a​ sweet respite from the steep climb​,
Until I begin the willy-nilly slide ​into Autumn.
Year after year, round and round it goes.
Where will it stop? The Lord only knows.
I fear that one day all of my desires
Will awaken within me at the same time
And hold my tattered soul for ransom.
We only think we enjoy our desires
While all the time we are their slaves.
Once I was young and now I am old,
​Material desires have faded to memories.
The only desire truly worth having
Is the desire for humility and charity 
Through self-sacrifice, and eternal union
With the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.  
(Bob Mrotek 2025)  


22 December 2024

Keep on breathing

The Bible tells us that “We live for 70 years, (or 80 years if we are healthy),
Yet even in the prime years there are troubles and sorrows. 
They pass by quickly and we fly away.” (Psalm 90:10) 
Princess Alice, who was the mother of Prince Phillip, The husband of Queen Elizabeth, 
once said, “When you reach seventy,you are no longer a participant but only an observer. 
Your only responsibility is to wait patiently and stay out of the way."
In "Paradise Lost," an epic poem by the 17th-century English poet John Milton, 
The Archangel Michael spoke to Adam as he and Eve were ushered out of Paradise,
And he gave them some advice. He said, “If you watch what you eat and drink,
And don’t overdo it you can live a long life. Then, when you get old,you will die 
A more peaceful death. However, your eyesight and your hearing 
Will get weak, and you won’t have much fun anymore. 
You will lose your youthful enthusiasm for life and become melancholy. 
Don’t hate your life or love it too much. Just live the best way that you can, come what may. 
Learn to be patient and happy. That is the best way to live. Don’t worry, God will still love you,
No matter what, if you keep your faith in Him. His Holy Spirit is present in everything living thing.
And He is just a heartbeat away, listening for your prayers which He will answer bye and bye. 
Even a short repentant sigh or a good deed done in His name will go a long way, 
For He is always listening and watching." I would only add: "In the meantime, 
Muddle through, carry on, stick it out, stay alive, and keep on breathing." 
(Bob Mrotek 2024) 


09 December 2024

You and I and everyone else

You and I will die and everyone else will too.
And those we leave behind will carry on.
It matters not how and where we are born,
Nor what race or creed we were born into,
Nor if we are male, female, or other,
Nor how and when and where we die.
What matters most is how we lived
And what we stood for in the end. 
Do yourself a favor, be happy with a lot, 
Or with a little, or with everything, 
Or with nothing, or with someone else, 
Or by yourself, but be happy and 
Be very grateful that you are alive. 
In the end, you will be even happier
That you did! This is the day that
The Lord has made, let us rejoice 
And be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) 
(Bob Mrotek 2024)


24 October 2024

Staying alive...

Whether you're a man or you're a woman,
You're just stayin' alive, stayin' alive...
Feel the whole world breakin' and everybody shakin'
And you're just stayin' alive, stayin' alive...
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive!
Well my spirits get low and then they get high,
'Cause the Lord says today ain't my time to die.
Got the blessing of Heaven on my side
I'm a believing man and I just can't hide.
I know it's good and I hope and pray
That I live to see at least one more day. 
Tomorrow is another day, and the Lord might say,
Sinner you better get ready,
Oh you better get ready Hallelujah.
Sinner you better get ready,
Better get ready 'cause sinner gonna die!
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive,..
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive!
(Bob Mrotek 2024) 


24 July 2024

Oh, my wandering soul...

 Oh, how busy is my ego, that tries to pin down things
That perpetually wax and wane, and come and go, to and fro.
Like the flower of youth that does or does not bear fruit,
Then fades away into the ever lengthening frozen river of time.
It does no good to focus on happiness in this vale of tears and tribulations,
Lest the storms that rage in my mind damage the peaceful garden in my soul.
I am like a donkey who is maneuvered, by means of the carrot of pleasure
And the stick of pain, to satisfy my material desires.
When I die, I will retreat into the spirit world searching for unity.
My sight will be united, together with all shapes and colors.
My hearing will be united, together with silence and all sounds
My mind will be be united together with all languages and thoughts,
Like rivers coming from the ocean flow back into the same ocean.  
I will die at the right time; me to die and you to live on.
Which of us goes toward what is best is known only to God.
Oh my wandering soul, fragile host and companion of my body,
To what places will you go when it is our time to surrender?
Come Holy Spirit, Creator blest, and in my heart take up Thy rest;
Come with thy grace and heavenly aid, to fill the heart that you made. 
​(Bob Mrotek 2024) 


13 July 2024

Politics from the depths of Hell

Feisty young millennials all in a row
Ready to challenge you blow by blow.
They are sophists all and pundits too,
Who can take either side, or leave it,
Love it, or hate it, or beat it 'til it's blue.
It depends upon what the going rate is.
There is no room for right or wrong
It is whatever it is that it needs to be,
I'll give you a clue, it's all about ratings.
Claws that scratch and eyes that flash
One glance could set the other on fire
And talking points increase the ire,
Spoken in haste and driven by greed,
Woe to the truth and woe to the target,
In any case may both be damned.
Winner take all and loser cast blame
After all, you know it's just a game,
From the very depths of Hell.
(Bob Mrotek 2016) 


25 June 2024

Past Perfect, Present Inclusive, and Future Uncertain

My name is Bob. The word Bob is the past perfect,
Present inclusive, and future uncertain form of the infinitive, "to be."
I am the square root of the human factor and the answer is "me."
I entered this world upside down and hanging by my heels,
While someone slapped my fanny and at that very moment,
I began my lifelong habit of complaining about injustice.
I will leave this life right side up and supine, griping about the same.
My religion is God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and Earth,
With whom I communicate through His Incarnation, Jesus Christ,
At the impetus of His Holy Spirit, the spark of life.
We are perhaps living in "the end times" and long for a return to "normal."
But "normal" can be good or bad depending on personal perspective.
Nostalgia is a spiritual longing for a time and place,
That in reality, never was and to which we can never return.
It is an echo of something in a past life that we desired but never attained,
And our grief for a lost opportunity, a place in nowhere that can never really be.
It is a distortion of memory like a picture out of focus.  Nostalgia is meaningless.
Most things did not actually happen like we remember, only the good parts.
The world has overtaken George Orwell's "Animal Farm" and "1984,"
But not quite yet Aldus Huxley's "Brave New World," but no doubt soon will.
At night, I wander about the stars and planets seeking my path to enlightenment.
St. Paul tells us that it is up to everyone to find their own salvation,
Jesus tells us to be perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect.
Saint Augustine tells us that it is our intent that counts the most.
That sounds like a good plan to me. If you try you may never get everything right,
But you will never get everything wrong either. If you don't try, you get no return at all. 
(Bob Mrotek 2024)


03 June 2024

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Thank you for this new day in which
To serve You for Your greater honor and glory.
This is the day that the Lord has made.
I will be happy in the Lord in whom I trust,
Who is my rock, my foundation,
My salvation, my refuge and my strength,
My wisdom and understanding,
My sword and my shield, and my hope
For the resurrection and eternal life, and 
Dear God, I will love You forever, because 
You created me, gave me life and sustain me,
You forgive my sins, and You first loved me.
"Ad Mejorem Dei Gloriam" 
For God's Greater Glory
(Bob Mrotek 2024)

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About Me

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I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. I have been living in Mexico since January 6th, 1999. I am continually studying to improve my knowledge of the Spanish language and Mexican history and culture. I am also a student of Mandarin Chinese.