In periods when there is an authoritative geopolitical tumult,
Initiated by a doofus ignoramus and his cohortes,
It is time to make way for the chariot of equilibrium.
And listen to the rumbling of the wheels and the grumbling
Of the people who are on their way to vacate the thrones
And re-establish the government of, by, and for the people.
No earthly power can halt the people on the march.
It is a majority who will rule peacefully with respect for
Their loyal opposition who provide a balance of perspectives.
Together they will remove the dung blocking the path forward,
Left by the horses of the self-proclaimed high and mighty.
Now is the time for all good citizens to save their democracy.
Rules should be enacted through representatives by two means:
The Categorical Imperative and the Golden Rule.
First by reason and rationality in moral decision making.
Second by empathy and shared prior experiences
That constitute an historical cultural natural order of things.
Make no laws that can't be universally accepted, and
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Jesus declared, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind," and
"Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)
If we really mean "In God we trust," Then we should do so!
Initiated by a doofus ignoramus and his cohortes,
It is time to make way for the chariot of equilibrium.
And listen to the rumbling of the wheels and the grumbling
Of the people who are on their way to vacate the thrones
And re-establish the government of, by, and for the people.
No earthly power can halt the people on the march.
It is a majority who will rule peacefully with respect for
Their loyal opposition who provide a balance of perspectives.
Together they will remove the dung blocking the path forward,
Left by the horses of the self-proclaimed high and mighty.
Now is the time for all good citizens to save their democracy.
Rules should be enacted through representatives by two means:
The Categorical Imperative and the Golden Rule.
First by reason and rationality in moral decision making.
Second by empathy and shared prior experiences
That constitute an historical cultural natural order of things.
Make no laws that can't be universally accepted, and
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Jesus declared, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind," and
"Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)
If we really mean "In God we trust," Then we should do so!