15 November 2023

Between the Blinks

You blink and you find yourself in the November of your life.
Between the blinks, your children grew up, your parents died,
And many old friends are no longer living or have moved on.
You blink between the worry, and the work, and the money spent,
And the dreams that you put away for "sometime when you can."
When we blink too fast, we miss a laugh, a hug, and one last "I love you."
What if we stop blinking so much and take mental snapshots of our life?
Look after the children when they do their homework. Teach them.
Look at your spouses in a quiet moment and seek to understand them.
Look at your mothers and fathers if they are still around and cherish them.
Spend time with relatives and friends and seek out the good in them.
Be as joyful as you can during this time and don't waste the opportunity.
Yes, time will pass, by and by, but looking back, "in the blink of an eye,"
Not even death can take away the moments of our happiness.
They will keep us company on the journey to heaven and eternal life.  
(Bob Mrotek 2023)


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