10 January 2021

My moonlight shadow and I.

The bright moon, my moonlight shadow, and I,
Up there along the silver river of the Milky Way,
My thoughts of sadness drain away among the stars,
And I think of my mother, Armella,  and our old home.
My mother and I, though separated by time and space,
Would always meet in the light of the full moon,
She, at her window, and I at mine, and there
We would chat heart to heart with no words needed.
Tonight the moon is full and she is in Heaven.
We still heart-to-heart in the light of the moon,
When we both lean out of the open window,
Bathed in the glow of the understanding moon,
And we are connected again in spirit for a while.
I yearn to cross that heavenly river to hug my Mom.
"Not yet," she says, "Not yet, but soon, be patient.
In the sweet bye and bye we'll be together again."


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