24 October 2018

Are you lucky?

A wealthy man is a lump of clay gilded with luck.
Oh greedy one, you are not wealthy. You are just lucky.
An unlucky person will accuse you of guilt,
But what guilt is there in being lucky?
To be lucky and guiltless you must share the luck.
Then everyone is rich. They are lucky to have wealth,
And lucky to know a generous person like you.
You are good when you are one with your soul,
You are good when you speak well of others.
You are good when you strive toward goals.
You are good when you do something kind
For somebody else's sake and for nothing in return.
And you do good in many countless ways
But when you are not doing good for others
You are merely wasting away an opportunity.
If you have the good fortune on Judgment Day
To be within earshot of the Savior,
You will cry out with the others and say,
"Oh Lord, I am a sinner and you are all merciful.
In spite of all the bad that I have done,
And all the good I could have done but didn't,
I sincerely repent and I crave your forgiveness
If it is not already too late."


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