17 February 2011

It won't be long now...

Last night while I was sleeping I had a dream in which I was trying to look something up in Google and I could not get a connection. All I could get was the "404 Not Found" error message. This has happened in several dreams already and it is very frustrating. I wish that Google would do something about it. On second thought, they are probable working furiously on this problem right now. It's because of that unavoidable invisible hand (or "greedy ghost") in the marketplace. There is so much competition in cyberspace that high expectations keep people dreaming the impossible dream. I hear that Microsoft plans to have connections all over Hell in the very near future. I hope that Google gets to Heaven first. Come on Google, let's get cracking. I want to be able to lay me down to sleep, enter dreamland, and say, "Hello Google, get me Heaven, I want to talk to Ma".


  1. Hi Bob. I rarely use google to find something. I've always used my Yahoo search default. Once in a while I will use it but it just comes up with too many things I didn't ask for. Your Mama hears you every day Bob. Hope you've been having a great week. Take care.

  2. Those 404's may have nothing to do with Google - it could be a hiccup with your server. I use Google a LOT and VERY SELDOM ever get that broken message. When I do invariably it has something to do with my connection to the server.

  3. Read it again Calypso...I was DREAMING :)

  4. Thanks for the comment, Norma. I like to make people happy :)

  5. When I get to Heaven will I get a Mac? If I got stuck with a PC it would be hellish.

  6. Bliss,
    I think we have a song working here...

    "Do you know where Hell is?
    Hell is in your PC.
    Heaven is in your MAC
    When it is time to go..."

  7. I realized they were in your dream - they are a reality for some - just saying ;-)
