15 September 2010

¡Viva México!

Today as we left work today an hour early (thanks Boss) some of the workers shouted:

¡Viva México cabrones, hijos de la chingada!

This roughly translates to "Long live Mexico you bastards, sons of he great rape!". They didn't use the exact same words two hundred years ago when Miguel Hidalgo gave the shout that began the struggle for Mexican Independence, but the same sentiment was there. As rude as it may seem it is this little kernel of defiance that lives on in the hearts and minds of the Mexican people. No American or Canadian can truly understand exactly what it represents but in general it signifies that no matter what may happen and how unfair life can be, the Mexican people are survivors and they are very proud of their country and their heritage.

For the last eleven years Mexico and her people have been very kind to me and tonight, together with my wife Gina and her family, I will participate in the 200 year celebration of the spark that put the people of this country on the path to freedom and self determination. I believe that in a few short years Mexico will take its place among the great and powerful countries of the world and it is the children of this generation who will be the leaders. For this reason at 11:pm this evening I will add my voice to the shout of "Viva México" by Mexican people everywhere.

It is interesting to note that at the time of the “El Grito de Dolores” by Miguel Hidalgo in 1810, the people of Dolores referred to themselves as Americans to differentiate themselves from the Spaniards because at that time the the name of the country was “Nueva España” or “New Spain”. The name “Mexico” had not yet come into vogue and wouldn't until 1821. The exact details of the actual shout have long been debated by historians but a popular consensus is that it went something like this:

¡Viva la Independencia!
Long live Independence!

¡Viva America!
Long live America!

¡Muera el mal gobierno!
Death to bad government!

Of course nowadays they shout “¡Viva México!” Instead of “¡Viva America!” but how ironic it is that the third line of the shout is “Death to bad government!”. It seems like this cry is just as apropos today all over the world the same as it was in Mexico two hundred years ago.

¡Viva México!


  1. Looks like your table is all set. I'll just say Viva Mexico Bob! May you and Gina always be happy and in good health.

  2. Bob,

    I second the notion that Mexico will be one of the great nations one day.

    I am curious since it appears you've been in Mexico a long time. Have you become a Mexican citizen?

    Thank you for a great blog.


  3. Glotia,
    ¡Viva Mexico! to you too :)

    No, I am not a citizen. My status is that of "inmigrado" or "resident permanente". Citizenship is the next step if I choose to do so. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Bob:

    I would add something about the CABRONES meaning on this sentence. The oly way to describe and define Cura Hidalgo is by the word CABRON. As you know very well, in Mexico many, almost all words have two senses, so considering Cura Hidalgo as a Cabrón on the righ side, I mean on the good way it match perfectly.

    Taking the chance, ¿do youknow in the north of Mexico cura means something very (way) diferent than priest? it means funny. By adding the word MACHIN (machín) you will say: THE FUNNIEST! So next time you go to Church do not get cura with the Cura. Pero si vas con el doctor él te cura....

    Uy Bob, que cura con el Cura que cura!
