11 August 2008
It was a day of experiments in Irapuato. At least this morning it was anyway. A friend of mine is a big believer in natural ingredients as are many other of the people here. The other day I mentioned to him that I needed to go to the barber shop but that it wouldn't be too long before I wouldn't have to go anymore because my hair is falling out more and more all the time. He brought me a gift of "Cacahuananche" soap which is a natural soap made from the pods of the Cacahuananche plant (Gliricidia sepium). The plant looks like a small tree and the pods hang from the the tree. The box that the soap came in has a picture of the plant and it also says "Auxiliar para la prevención de la caspa y caída del cabello" or "Help for the prevention of dandruff and the falling out of hair". The soap looks like a little brown bar of "caca" and I think you know what caca means. If you don't you better look it up. He also gave me a bar of "Jabón de Algas Marinas" or "Marine Algae Soap". It is enclosed in a bag made of coarse string in the form of a fishnet and you are supposed to rub your stomach with it every day and your fat will go away. I think you are also supposed to put up a shrine to the Blessed Virgin and pray for a miracle but I think I'll just try the soap first and see what happens. At the very least I will have an extremely clean belly. Another friend is supposed to get me a bar of "Jabón Verde" or simply "Green Soap" which is not only supposed to help with the hair but actually grow new hair. If I eventually start looking like a skinny rock music star I will know that either the soap came through as advertised or the Blessed Virgin thinks I look much better without the paunch and the"Franciscan" bald spot.
Oh that is so funny. I'll take a bar of that tummy rubbing soap and also the one for the hair because I a woman have been losing my hair little by little. haha. That was a great post, I'll laugh my way to the kitchen and go cook now. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Gloria, but just don't get any on the bottom of your feet :)