20 October 2022

Keep the Faith

God has a message for you, and is waiting patiently for your call.
Get in touch with Him through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
He wants you to know that He loves you and that if you believe in Him,
He will take away your anxieties and fears and forgive your "mistakes."
Call on Him and He will answer you and show you many great things.
Wait patiently for His blessings and tread a righteous path.
In the meantime keep the faith and never give up, for He is our strength.
Eternal life will set us free and this freedom is free for the asking.
The bill was paid by Jesus Christ on the cross long ago.
I found the Lord Jesus and Jesus loves me.
Thank you Lord Jesus for setting me free! 


07 October 2022

When will we ever learn?

Political corruption in a society is like a cancer.
When a cancer spreads all over a body,
Cutting off a finger will be of little help.
Elections happen so that the old money can go out
And come back masquerading as new money.
The country is no longer run by elected leaders.
The country is run by money and purchased leaders.
Leadership becomes the appearance of leadership.
Those brave and honest souls who try and buck the system
Are dragged down like a deer by a pack of wild dogs.
When the skeletons are found and removed from the closet,
Plenty of new skeletons will take their place.
Violent revolution is not a good thing. It goes on forever.
Peace is the first rule of civilization, and,  
Without morality there can be no peace.
"Science" is not our creator, nor our savior.
Almighty God isn't dead. He is alive and well.
He was, and is, and forever shall be the same.
He is telling us for the umpteenth time:
"If My people who are called by My name
Humble themselves and pray, and seek My face,
And turn away from their wicked ways,
Then I will hear their prayers from Heaven, I will
Forgive their sins, and heal their land." (2 Chron 7:14)
Please tell me, Oh Lord. When will we ever learn?  
