27 September 2022

Here is solace, let worries cease.

Threescore and ten is the beginning of the end,
When one begins to understand the reality of mortality.
Don't be blinded by only what you can see, but
Break the bond between your mortal eyes
And your immortal soul, and fix upon the essence
Of what lies beyond our earthly experience.
The answers are in the realm of the metaphysical.
Don't be blind to the certainty of the Creator,
And don't be willfully blind to your blindness.
All will eventually be revealed at the end of time.
It's just a matter of putting patience to the test.
Life is like a book and every day is a new page,
Until you find yourself on the last one and then
It says, "The End!" but if you believe in God,
It will say instead..."To Be Continued!"
We have God's Word on it!  (John 1:1-3)
"In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
God created everything through Him."
When you finally see His face the Word will say.
"Come weary traveler, take your ease,
Here is solace, let worries cease."


15 September 2022

Drenched in Sunshine

 I spend my nights holding back my fears,
Thinking about all of those poor souls
Who are lost in indecision, depression, and gloom.
The empty idols of money, power, and sexual desires,
Hide the real truth from their dissonant consciences.
The conflict is in the choice to believe in God or not.
Devil inspired temptations lead people into mental obscurity,
Where the compromise seems to be simple but deadly,
"If it feels good, do it, and if it hurts, just avoid it."
Men search for a Rapunzel who spins straw into gold
Women hope for a husband with the touch of Midas,
But there is no king Midas and no lady Rapunzel.
They are just fairy tales and are not part of reality.
Wishful thinking alone cannot make dreams come true.
The way, the truth, and the life of Jesus Christ is the treasure.
He lives in the hearts of each and every person of good will
That loves Almighty God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth,
With their whole heart, and soul, and mind...AND,
Who loves their fellow human beings without exception.
Sunshine lives within me and I am drenched in spiritual sunlight.
Nothing's more beautiful under the sun than to be with the Son!