18 July 2021

Like a Hot Wind

It is the characteristic of evil powers
To take advantage of real weaknesses and
Stretch and enlarge them to the utmost.
We should not underestimate how deep a wound
That a vindictive tongue can make with a few words.
The devil likes to whisper his lies in intimacy.
What people call "insinuations" are like gunpowder
When passed around through malicious gossip.
The tongue is a useful tool in the realm of evil.
Truth must come from the heart and not the lips.
Those who drink in false gossip quite eagerly,
And repeat it as a form of gleeful entertainment,
Will slide unknowingly and insensibly into the habit
Of speaking evil to impress and titillate others,
And thus the evil gathers force from the wind
Like a tornado in tornado alley on a hot day.
In the case of lies and false conspiracy theories
The path of the wind leads straight to the abyss.
