27 June 2021

With "Prudence and Forethought"

If "In God We Trust," then what is organized religion for?
It is for the purpose of improving the nature of mankind,
In order for the proper governance of our actions, and
To secure peace and progress for individuals and for society,
To render us capable of a more perfect union with each other and
Our Creator, to which our present state of being is probationary.
This is a truth that people of good will who search for truth
Will recognize on its own evidence as morally right.
Okay, so what is morality? Morality is adherence to a set of values,
And prudence is the instrument of morality. Prudence is the ability
To govern and discipline ourselves by the divine light of reason. 
Prudence must precede our actions by choosing right over wrong,
Which we should always do with judicious "prudence and forethought,"
What is prudent and morally good according to our conscience.
(Bob Mrotek 2021)

03 June 2021

So where do we go from here?

Those who live in a shadow world, ward off shadow spears with a shadow shield.
They ward off accusations of lying with the abracadabra of a forked tongue.
He or she who would fly without wings must do so in abject delusion,
And find out when they wake that to fly in a dream is but to dream of flying.
The reflective soul sees the hidden reality, and the ever-wanting soul
Sees only what it desires, and lives in a world of metaphor and hyperbole.
The past is colored by the memories of those in power who record it.
History may be laced with innuendo or fantasy or myths or conspiracies
Or even multiple realities by decree of committees and political parties.
The "clash of civilizations" is colliding with a "co-existence" future,
Where atomic weapons have made conventional world wars totally unthinkable.
Battles are fought with economics, propaganda, religious strife, politics,
Racism, misogyny, sexism, xenophobia, genocide, bio-weapons, and euthanasia.
There is trendy liberalism on the left and reactionary conservatism on the right
Moderates are in the middle, viewed as traitors by the left and the right.
I am like a wandering sojourner trapped in a virtual battle of Armageddon,
A man without a grudge, a man without a tribe, a man without an agenda.
I am not mad at anybody. I am just trying to understand everybody else.
What do we do now, who do we believe, and where do we go from here?
