22 May 2021

Pass it on...not!

It is the work of the Devil to take advantage of falsehoods and add fuel to the fires of anxiety.
We should not underestimate how deep a wound that a vindictive tongue will make.
The Devil likes to whisper lies in confidentiality and then add "Pass it on."
That which people call "white lies" are in reality powerful "white gunpowder." 
Falsehood, suggestion, and intimation are useful tools in the realm of evildoers.
Truth is written on the honest heart, but lies come from the mouths of liars.
Those who drink in false information and conspiracies, or repeat falsehoods without veracity,
Will slide unknowingly and insensibly Into the habit of speaking evil to impress others.
Thus the evil gathers force like a tornado draws force from the heat on a hot summer day.
In the case of lies, especially big ones, the force emanates directly from the gates of Hell.


12 May 2021

The difference between cheap and free.

There is a major difference between cheap and free.
When things are cheap you are the customer,
And you more or less get what you pay for.
When things are free you are the product.
The worm on a hook looks free to the fish,
The fisherman pays for the the fish with a worm,
And the fish is the product that he purchased.
The poor worm was merely the payment.
There is a saying, "Por la boca muere el pez."
"By the mouth dies the fish", reaching for a freebee.
Mind what you eat, what you say, and what you do.
Freedom is not free either, its price is sacrifice.
Christ died on the Cross so that we could be free.
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 


02 May 2021

The truth beckons...

The truth beckons to me like a chimera on the black pavement
In the blazing summer sun where the highway meets the horizon,
Always fading away into the distance as I advance toward it,
Like a rubber ball escaping the grasp of a running child.
The truth can be such a frightening reality to grasp, however,
That many people avoid or even deny it in order to allay their fears.
But if at least some don't deny the truth maybe it's not really true.
Without the ability to choose truth over falsehood there is no free will.
Pontius Pilate once said to the Messiah, "What is truth?"
The scriptures tell us that it is "Every word that comes from the mouth of God."
Though Faith we shall know the truth and it will free us from doubt.
Without Faith there can be no true wisdom and understanding.
Come Holy Spirit, Creator blessed, in our hearts take up Thy rest.
Give us your Grace and heavenly aid to know Thy truth, that we be saved.
