24 June 2016

Oh, Adam.

Said the man without a navel as he bit into an apple,
"Well, I wonder what new thing I will do today".
Oh, Adam. "Quid fecisti?" (What have you done?)
"Tu coepit destruere mundi."
("You have begun to destroy the world".)
The Earth mourns for the untimely death of so many people,
For out of her came the first and out of her shall come all others.
Each and every one of her inhabitants is a fruit of Mother Earth,
And has a time and a season and a mother who will mourn us.
If we acknowledge Almighty God, and know that he is just,
In good time we shall be restored to our mothers and our fathers,
And our children will be restored to us and we to them.
While I sleep, my spirit is out roaming about,
Looking for truth and marking the borders,
Of the dim narrow path that my heart must follow.
From the feelings of today and the memories of yesterday 
The new hope and old hope we throw under our pillow, 
And dream of a tomorrow when we shall all be together.


15 June 2016

What say you?

Those who drink deeply of pride, envy, ambition, and hatred,
Will see ignorance and ugliness in everybody they look upon.
Everything looks yellow to one who has jaundiced eyes.
Love dreads to cross paths with such perverse judgment.
She shuts her modest eyes at a glimpse of the first symptom.
She questions whether or not it was only a fleeting shadow
That crossed her path, and not an actual and deliberate sin.
If love is forced to recognize sin she quickly averts her vision,
And strives to forget the willful evil act that she has witnessed.
Love is the great healer of everything that ails body and soul.
We should always be as charitable in judgment as we can,
And if our neighbor has two faces let us accept the best one.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ said, "Love your neighbor as yourself"
He did not say, "Love the neighbor that you like the best."
He said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
I say "Amen to that!" and what say you? Are you forgiven too? 


11 June 2016

How Often Dost Thou Wander

O Lord, before I had a name I belonged to Thee.
I need no other rules and regulations but Thine.
To love Thee with all my heart and my neighbor too,
Knowing that I can trust Thee unto death, and beyond.
O my God, why can't I always be looking upon Thee,
Even as Thou lookest daytime and nighttime on me?
Why do I think much of me and so little of Thee?
Oh my Soul, thine only true resting place is God,
And yet, my friend, how often dost thou wander.


07 June 2016

On Earth as it is in Heaven

My poem for today in reflection on the election:
A politician will tell you anything because they know,
That people don't believe what you tell them anyway.
In fact, they rarely even believe what you show them.
They more often believe what their friends tell them,
And they always believe what they tell themselves.
Let us pray that what we tell ourselves is true.
God's kingdom come, His will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven. Hallelujah!
